Monthly Archives: June 2024

Best I Heard, 2019 Edition

Friendos, 2019 was weird.

(And I pulled out the rest of this and it’ll end up being its own entry because it got way, way too long.)

As always, a quick rules recap:

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The Rearrangements, Part 1H

We have arrived at the final film-by-film section of the first round. Also, for the first time, the RNG hit me with two duplicates we’ve already looked at. We’re not really far enough in this process to use that, so we’ll just note them and move on. Today we have:
#750: The Motorcycle Diaries
#370: Primal Fear
#373: Sexy Beast
#763: Outland
#377: The Beat that My Heart Skipped
#323: The Interview (1998)
#844: Pulse (2001)
#794: Tomorrow Might Not Come
#403: 6ixtynin9 [dupe]
#567: Young Frankenstein [dupe]

And so, on with the show(s)!

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Best I Heard, 2020 Edition

In the 2021 introduction, I lamented the fact that it looked like it would be halfway through 2024 before I started listening to music from 2024. Well, here we are in June, and I still have about thirty-five albums from 2019 competing for the last twelve open slots for that year before I start listening to new music. Prophetic indeed.

As always, a quick rules recap:

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The Rearrangements Part 1G

My head’s doing its thing again. I thought this was going to be the final piece of the first round, but I was misremembering; we’ve got ten more movies to go, which we’ll find in Part 1H, before we start actually moving stuff around. In any case, the penultimate ten movies in Part 1 will be the following:
#593, The Warriors
#526, The Egg and I
#634, Forbidden Planet
#853, Faust (1994)
#926, Return to Reason
#551: Sheitan
#712, Fido
#615, Outcast (2010)
#389, Mirage
#510, Sure Fire

And on we go!

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