Monthly Archives: April 2024

The Rearrangements Part 1D

And what did the generator throw up for us this time?
#746: Housewife
#895: The Staircase 2
#554: The Danish Poet
#754: In the Realms of the Unreal: The Mystery of Henry Darger
#479: Romper Stomper

Getting into some controversial territory with this bunch, no? Anyway, off we go!

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The Rearrangements Part 1C

The random number generator tossed up…
#496: A Short Love Story in Stop Motion
#443: L.A. Confidential
#846: Undead
#844: Shoulder Arms
#916: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

And so on we go!

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The Rearrangements Part 1B

So I just now realized that the first part of this, which I finished two days ago, I never hit Publish on! Well, now it’s published, and we’re off to the races on the second batch of five:
#887: Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
#627: Sherman’s March
#608: Suspect Zero
#567: Young Frankenstein
#513: Albino Alligator
Should be some more interesting bits to mull over than the kind-of-obvious first slate, so let’s go!

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The Rearrangements Part 1A

And here we go. The first five movies the random number generator popped out for me:
#497: The Station Agent
#882: The Booth
#490: Off the Charts: The Song-Poem Story
#403: 6ixtynin9
#654: Dead Presidents
Pretty formidable for a first lineup, no? And thus, off we go.

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The Rearrangements: An Introduction

Wait… movie content? Perish the thought!

This is going to be a series, but not one nearly as organized and consistent as the Desert Island Disc series from 2013. The TL;DR version: I’m going to try and rearrange the (now over seven hundred) four-star movies on my Thousand Best list. (Warning: link requires a Letterboxd account)

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Best I Heard, 2021 Edition

Best I Heard, 2021 Edition

We’re halfway caught up! And it’s only… March [EDIT! Here we are in April]…

at this rate I’m not even going to start listening to new music until summer. Sheesh. But we continue apace, and I’ve finally distilled 2021 down to the most essential albums your collection is in dire need of. And so, as always, we begin with a quick rules recap:

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